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What You Need to Know About Plaque Psoriasis Treatment

Plaque psoriasis is a common skin condition that affects up to 8 million Americans. It occurs when the immune system mistakes healthy skin for invading pathogens, resulting in painful and unsightly raised patches of red, scaly skin. Finding the right treatment for plaque psoriasis can help alleviate its symptoms.

First, it’s important to keep skin clean and moisturized to avoid skin dryness and irritation. This can be accomplished through the use of gentle cleansers and oils. Over-the-counter products such as creams, ointments, and lotions that contain corticosteroids, salicylic acid, coal tar, or vitamin D can help alleviate inflammation and itchiness.

Light therapy is also effective in treating plaque psoriasis. Ultraviolet light exposure is known to slow the growth of affected skin cells. This type of therapy is usually provided in a doctor’s office or at a specialized phototherapy clinic. It's important to carefully follow instructions when using light therapy to make sure that you don't damage your skin further.

In more severe cases, topical prescription medications such as retinoids, calcineurin inhibitors, anthralin, and vitamin A derivatives can be used to manage plaque psoriasis. Some of these medications may have potential side effects, so it's important to discuss them thoroughly with your doctor before use.

In addition to topical medications, there are also systemic medications available to treat psoriasis. These can be taken orally or injected, and include biologics, oral retinoids, and cyclosporine. Some side effects to consider include an increased risk of infection and possible liver problems.

Finally, you should make sure to get plenty of rest, exercise regularly, and practice stress management techniques. These practices may help reduce the severity of your psoriasis. Living with the condition may be difficult at times, but it’s possible to lead a normal life with the right treatment plan in place.

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